Protect Your Hardwood Floors By Adding Texture
Adding texture to your hardwood floors not only makes them look more modern but helps them last longer. So, what makes a hardwood flooring option modern? The planks tend to be wider to increase the perceived appearance of space. Also, more and more people are getting away from the traditional wooden brown colors and have started choosing to install lighter-colored floors. On top of that, more people are choosing to install hardwood floors with character.
One of the best ways to add extra character to your hardwood floors is by adding texture. There are several ways that you can add texture and each texture adds a different element to the overall appearance of your floors. Sometimes the texture is added when the boards are cut. This is very cost-effective, but each board tends to look the same.
ADM Flooring® uses a special wire brushing technique to add texture to the hardwood floors. This special technique not only gives each board a unique appearance, but it also makes the board stronger. If you are investing in new hardwood flooring, then you probably want your floors to last for a while.
The wire brushing technique that ADM Flooring® uses removes the sapwood of the tree. The sapwood is the softest part of the wood. It is also the part of the wood that is most prone to damage. If you remove the sapwood, the remaining wood is hardwood. Hardwood isn’t only the hardest and most durable part of the plank, but it also looks the best.
After each of the individual planks is wire brushed, either a lacquer or oil finish is then added to the wire brushed boards. Here at ADM Flooring®, we use a special technique, involving applying the finish in layers, while applying the oil and lacquer finish. By laying down the lacquer or oil to fill in any gaps that are left once the softer sapwood is removed, the end product is even stronger.
It is easy to see that modern home design is more popular now than ever before. One of the main reasons for this rise in popularity is the numerous options that are now available to homeowners. Hardwood flooring tends to have more options than almost any other home design element. So, when you want to make your home more modern, why not go with a textured engineered hardwood floor from ADM Flooring®. Not only will your floor look amazing, but it will last for the long haul.
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